Monday, March 24, 2008

Boy is God working overtime this morning with reminders of His presence and that He alone is in control, no matter what I may think to the contrary! :o) I love how God works. From my calendar today that reads: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  James 4:8  I have not been feeling particularly close to God lately. Oh, I still pray and read my Bible, the things you are "supposed" to do; but I haven't felt Him close to me. All morning long, I keep being drawn back to the calendar; it's like God is saying to ME: Danna, HEY! Just stay close to me and I will ALWAYS be there with you and for you. So then He draws me to read some blogs this morning. Lindsay and then Heather; and I am reminded again, that He's ALWAYS there....I just have to open my eyes.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love your honesty and your willingness to be real!

I pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will be able to feel Him close to you. Not that you will simply know in your head that He is close to you, but that you will feel in your heart that He is close to you. I pray that His Spirit will surround you and shower you with blessings that only He can give. I pray that He will give you strength to get through the rest of this Workshop week and then rest when it is over.

Thanks for being you, my friend. Love you!