Monday, June 02, 2008

I've been feeling rather blah lately and I don't know why. Things at our house have been busy, but good. We got B graduated. :D It's still hard to believe! It probably won't sink in until fall when he starts college. 

I'm really excited about starting our ladies Bible study tonight! 

But I am very weary of small group. We met last night to discuss what we wanted from small group. I froze. I didn't say a word. I wanted to, but for some reason, I couldn't. My husband was disappointed in me, which makes me sad. I really feel the need for a break, but I couldn't say it. I have a hard time voicing opinions that I SHOULD voice and a much too easy time voicing opinions that I should keep to myself! 


Lindsay said...

I understand that problem! ;-)

As far as small group, I think sometimes taking a break is the best thing that we can do. Otherwise, if you just keep on and keep on when you really need a little bit of a break, then you completely burn yourself out and you never want to go to small group again. But if you take a break every once in a while, it gives you a chance to take a deep breath and then come back later with a new and fresh enthusiasm.

I pray that God will give you the boldness to speak when you should, the self-control to reamain silent when you need to, and the wisdom to know the difference!

I love you today, my friend!

Shane Coffman said...

"I have a hard time voicing opinions that I SHOULD voice and a much too easy time voicing opinions that I should keep to myself!"

What a keen inight. And how true for so many of us, including me.

Thanks for your honesty today!

Tammy said...

I am hearing you...when is discernment really discernment and opinion really just opinion...and when do you express either one in an appropriate way that you won't regret a moment later? Where does the Wisdom thing kick age 40? 50? I keep expecting it at any moment only to be disappointed by another 'I should have said' at the end of the day. Sometime life is hard.