Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's a busy time at our house. We're moving next week so it looks like a tornado has blown through this place! I will be the first to admit I am not the world's best housekeeper, but I just can't stand this clutter! Oh well, it will be over soon.

God continues to reveal this plan of His to me. WHO KNEW?! I still can't believe how long it's taken me to get this, not that I really get it now, but I'm starting to and it's really exciting! And He's given me such wonderful sisters (and an incredible husband!) to share in this journey! THANKS GOD!!

I don't think it's a coincidence that God has chosen THIS time to make Himself more known to me. Being a stepmother is hard work. And you know what else? Being a stepmother of an almost 16 year old boy is even harder! I so want to be Jesus to him. And I so want to be an encouragement to his dad.

Excitement of the day: My husby and I were eating lunch at Hideaway Pizza today. I saw this guy come in and he looked really familiar. I kept looking at him, trying to figure out if it was someone I knew. GARTH BROOKS!!!! :D That was fun!


Carrie said...

Finally a new blog:)!!!!
Yeah!!! Can't wait to see your new house:)

Theresa said...

LOL! I love that you saw Garth Brooks!

And I love that there's a PLAN! It's my favorite lesson of this study! And I'm totally serious! I love it and I love you!!!!

Heather said...

Don't you just love how He keeps unfolding His glory to us!
Trust that He does that in the Bible studies, and just as amazingly in the relationships - esp. the hard ones.
I love you . I am jealous of the GB sighting!